Amber`s 12 Week Transformation

When I first signed up to Bree’s 12 Week Online Transformation, I knew I was ready for a change. I had wanted to work with a personal trainer for years, but never felt mentally ready to commit to the process. At the time, I worked out at the gym 3-5 times a week, but I was self taught and knew I would benefit from some guidance and meal planning advice. Especially since I had the tendency to “reward” myself with treats every few days for working out. Additionally, I had started working full-time again after being a stay at home mom for 7 years, and I didn’t know how to effectively workout in a home gym…plus the sedentary change of lifestyle was starting to affect my weight.
Despite my motivation for signing up for personal training, it turns out I had no idea what I was committing to, in terms of lifestyle changes I needed to make, to create the change I wanted to see in my body. Bree helped me put focus and discipline behind my drive in the gym. It wasn’t always easy, but Bree held me accountable, which is what I needed. I learned how to eat to fuel my body, and then turn that consistency into results from committing to the workouts. Bree was awesome in creating a training plan around the equipment I already owed. She added variety, and a combination of strength training and HIIT to help me reach my goals. Whether I had questions about supplements, food choices or technique, Bree was amazing at responding, no matter how big or small the question.
I’m so thrilled with my results so far! After leaning out, I can’t wait to continue working with Bree to start building more muscle, as I continue to grow throughout my fitness journey